Real Tacos vs Fake Taco Bell Tacos Debate

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Real Tacos vs Fake Tacos

Welcome to where we review great content that has gone viral. Today we will learn about real Mexican authentic tacos vs Tex Mex or TacoBell like tacos. Why?

Because it’s important to Latinos. That’s why.

What is a real Taco?

A real authentic Mexican taco is completely different from Tex Mex/Chipotle/TacoBell tacos. The Mexican culture has a rich and diverse background and prides itself in many aspects but especially when it comes to food. Here is an example of an authentic taco. Notice how the tortilla is soft and not crunchy and rigid. The meat or pollo is fresh and cooked on the spot. The condiments are vibrant and everything feels like home. There is passion behind this artwork and I think MadTv did the best sketch comedy on this very topic. Check it out below.

As the sketch begins the manager tells “Jose” the Mexican employee at Taco bell to squirt this green stuff, white stuff and other squirts of ingredients into the tortilla to complete an order and she is met with a hilarious remark about the way Taco Bell was teaching him to make Tacos. Definitely a must watch!

What is a Taco Bell taco?

So this is it. This is what a TacoBell Taco looks like. Now we’re not hating on this taco that is the choice first for a lot of Americans but we can tell you first hand that the Latino community does not consider this a real taco. This is the Americanized version of the Mexican Taco and it is really disappointing. It almost looks like public school tacos. You know those tacos that they just microwave and give kids on Tuesdays. It just looks really weak. The meat looks like they got it out of a can and very unnatural. This is most likely to reduce production costs and to speed the process of making it. I mean it is called fast food for a reason. The tortilla is crunchy and hard to chew. This actually messes everything up while you’re eating it because it then makes a mess. Since the tortilla on the hard tacos from Taco Bell break apart the ingredients inside the taco sometimes can slip over and fall over like pudding. A taco is not supposed to do that! At least they have the soft taco versions of this but it’s still no better than the hard tacos.

The lettuce and cheese look pale in comparison to the authentic Taco we posted earlier. This is just a recipe for disaster. It is no wonder that MadTv made that sketch because many people have criticisms of Taco Bell’s tacos and rightly so.

The main differences

First of all, you need to look at the tortilla. American tacos use flour tortillas or crispy, hard-shelled corn tortillas. You’ll find that authentic Mexican tacos use soft corn tortillas as the wrapper.

Next comes the toppings. Tex-Mex tacos are filled with shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and sour cream. If you try a street taco in Mexico, NYC or any taco truck in LA, chances are it’ll only be topped with fresh cilantro leaves and finely diced white onions, although it might have a bit of cotija cheese or queso fresco as well- soft, fresh cheeses that are staples of Mexican cooking.

Tacos al Pastor en un Trompo or Vertical Spin

Then comes the meat itself. You’ll find Mexican tacos filled with flavorful, marinated meat like flank steak or skirt steak. The marinade often contains oregano, ground black pepper, cumin, paprika, lime juice, soy sauce, and chilies, but it depends on the particular taco recipe. The cooks cube the meat before marinating it, or they leave it whole and cook it over a high heat grill called an Asada. Either grilling, cooking on a griddle, or using a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat are authentically Mexican methods! The classic Tacos al pastor Trompo or Vertical Spin is what you see above. I had to research it myself and I found one by TurcoBazaar on Amazon that I might have to buy if I ever end up making tacos the right way! If you want to to invest in one and want to start your own taco trucks, I just saved you a google search. Links included here.

Meanwhile TacoBell just squirts their food into a tortilla and microwave that to the public and call it a Taco. The disrespect! lol

Final Thoughts

All in all it doesn’t matter what Taco you like or eat. We all have the freedom to eat whatever foods we like. This article is just merely a criticism of the tacos we see in America trying to usurp the identity of a real authentic Taco.

If you like Taco Bell, cool. If you like authentic Tacos, awesome. It really is just a matter of preference. We just had to settle this debate with some facts and point out the key differences we see in the preparation of these meals. If you would like to learn how to make Tacos and or the basics of this art please check out Taco Tuesday on Amazon.


Picture of Frank Legend

Frank Legend

Frank Legend is a Youtuber with 100,000 subscribers, over 21 million views, an influencer in NYC and previously worked at The Wall Street Journal. Get to know him on Instagram @FrankLegend

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